
Want To Know Which Democrats NOT To Vote For In Primaries-- The Blue Dogs And New Dems Have Lists

Elizabeth Warren endorsed Katie Porter, who is very much NOT a New DemLast week, we looked at the Blue Dogs' first list of 2018 endorsed candidates. These will be the worst of the worst-- and yesterday the New Dems, who, with the Blue Dogs make up most of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, released their own list.

Will The DCCC Lose TX-23 Again By Running Corrupt Blue Dog Pete Gallego?

Former Bernie Bexar County coordinator Rick TreviñoTX-23, the state's largest congressional district, stretches from the suburbs south and west of San Antonio right across west Texas into Socorro and the suburbs east of El Paso. Of the 29 counties in the district, only 4 have significant numbers of voters-- Bexar, El Paso, Medina, and Val Verde. It's the DCCC's #1 electoral priority in Texas for the 2018 midterms.

The DCCC Is Tying Republican Incumbents To Trump Even After They've Disowned Him

The above ad from the DCCC just started running in TX-23, the immense South Texas congressional district (almost a quarter of the state in size!) that stretches from Socorro and the outskirts of southwest El Paso, along the Rio Grande border with Chihuahua and Coahuila through Guadalupe, Big Bend, Del Rio, the big smuggling center in Eagle Pass, and up into the western and southern suburbs of San Antonio. Those Bexar County suburbs are the Republican part of the swing district-- won narrowly by Obama in 2008 and narrowly by Romney in 2012.