
Subscriber Podcast #25 – A New Direction

In this month's susbcriber-only podcast I talk about my new screenplay project - a political satire of Hollywood. I talk about my history with acting and writing, and discuss some of my creative process, how I developed two simple ideas and combined them to form the basis for my screenplay. I also quickly review some of my film and TV inspirations including The Big Picture, Get Shorty and Episodes. (Read more...)

Smartphones Causing Mental Health Issues in Kids as Young as

Smartphones and tablets have become electronic babysitters for many children. They may keep kids out of mom’s hair for a while, but they do come with perils. According to a recent study, the devices are causing mental health problems in children as young as 2 years old. [1]
Hours per day spent on all screens, electronic devices, and TV and video games by individual years of age, U.S., 2016.

Discussing the Labour Party’s fitness for government, Brexit et al – on BBC 2’s Politics Live

Yanis Varoufakis and Conservative MP Ken Clarke join Andrew Neil, along with Camilla Tominey from the Telegraph and Labour’s Rupa Huq. They discuss whether Labour is ready to govern, Jeremy Corbyn’s Brexit meeting with the EU’s Michel Barnier and the Salisbury poisoning suspect reported to be a Russian military officer.