
Anti-Turkish Coalition is Getting Bigger by the Day

In recent years, Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan has been actively promoting an incredibly ambitious, yet extremely risky strategy that can be broadly described as Neo-Ottomanism or attempts to restore the grandeur of the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, he would strive to present Turkey as the defender of the oppressed, the second homeland of all Muslims, the new hope of the Islamic Ummah.

On the ground in Idlib -Vanessa Beeley interviewed by Robin Philpot (French)

Cette guerre livrée à la Syrie depuis 2011, rappelle Vanessa Beeley, est une invasion et une occupation menées par des groupes terroristes financés et soutenus notamment par Washington, Londres, Paris mais aussi par la Turquie et Israël. Libérer le territoire syrien n'est ni plus ni moins la seule façon de faire respecter le droit international et de rétablir la paix.

Putin furious with Erdogan, but will he stop Turkey’s war in Syria? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the meeting in Moscow between Russian President Putin and Turkey’s Erdogan.
Erdogan made many outrageous claims, including that Turkey had killed over 2,500 Syrian troops during fighting in Idlib’s surrounding areas…a claim which is ridiculous on its face, and exposes how out of touch the Turkish leader is when it comes to this reckless invasion of Syrian sovereignty.