
US Deploys Patriot System to Iraq

Recall the many, many times my readers were informed that Iraq was not part of the "resistance"? Whatever the hell that actually meant?'Cause it was meaningless to me. Empty rhetoric.    Canthama aka Disinfothama was a big pusher of this nonsense.  As were others at Saker's. Hope Saker didn't push that absurdity? Can't be sure but that meme definitely appeared in the comments section there.

Erdogan’s Idlib Misadventure: Reality Checks and Hard Lessons for Turkey

Even when viewed through the prism of Turkish interests, President Tayyib Erdogan’s escalatory actions in Syria’s Idlib governorate constitute now plainly evident blunder. Refusing to finally abandon its occupation of Idlib has so far produced numerous setbacks for Turkey, visible to all but the brashest of Erdogan’s diehard supporters. It also threatens to damage Turkey’s ability to leverage its ties with numerous foreign powers that enable it to invest in its overseas adventures in the first place.

Turkish forces, allied militants cut off drinking water to Syria’s Hasakah, environs

Press TV – March 29, 2020

Turkish forces and allied Takfiri militants have once again cut off drinking water supply to people in Syria’s northeastern city of Hasakah and surrounding areas, only a few days after the Damascus government complained to the United Nations and the Security Council over the issue.