
Syrians remember the Armenian Genocide as Turkey threatens again

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator
April 24, 2020, marks the 105th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which was the first genocide of the 20th century.  The starting date is held to be April 24, 1915, in a premeditated and systematic campaign to exterminate the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire, which resulted in at least 1.5 million deaths by 1923.  The Ottoman Empire is the direct predecessor of modern Turkey.

Lest We Forget: Rashideen, the NATO Backed Massacre of Children The Corporate Media Used To Promote Terrorists.

Andrew Ashdown writes: Three years ago this week, a horrific massacre of children was perpetrated by western-backed ‘moderate rebels’ at al-Rashideen outside Aleppo, and was whitewashed by Western media. This detailed and well-researched article by Vanessa Beeley, including interviews with surviving families is an important record both of the event itself, and of the misrepresentation of facts by mainstream media that […]

Holy Week: A time for silence [Video]

This is not a usual news article, and it is blatantly and unabashedly “religious.” However, one of the great things about religion is that it reminds us all of things that go far beyond our temporal chatter of the moment, with its passions and urgency. Orthodox Christianity in particular carries a powerful and deep message at this time of year, our Holy Week (a.k.a Passion Week), leading up to the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, Pascha, often referred to as “Easter” in the West.