
Iran resumes gas exports to Turkey after pipeline fixed

Press TV – July 1, 2020

The Iranian Oil Ministry says it has resumed exports of natural gas to Turkey despite reports in the media suggesting that exports could stop for good because of price disputes.
A spokesman of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) said on Wednesday that Turkey had finished repair work on a pipeline that came out of service after an explosion on March 31, allowing Iran to resume exports.

US State Dept: Additional "Humanitarian Assistance" For Syria- Iran, Russian, Turkish Leaders Set to Meet & Talk Syria

Birth Pangs. Regional Remake. It's ongoing. What will be the result when the dust settles? We're a long way off from that, still. But today's report from the US State Department suggests, quite clearly that the labour is continuing.UPDATE: Of course Canada is "announcing assistance" I'm just omitting all the virtue signalling crap!