
Tension in the eastern Mediterranean as Erdogan threatens  

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened reprisals if anyone attacks the ship surveying disputed waters in the Mediterranean for oil and gas, after two French jets flew nearby during an exercise with the Greek fleet. “We said that if you attack our Oruc Reis you will pay a high price, and they got their first answer today,” Erdogan said[Read More...]

Greece, Egypt & France align against Turkish moves in East Med. (Video)

Via Ekathimerini (https://www.ekathimerini.com/255825/gallery/ekathimerini/news/greece-welcomes-french-boost-as-tension-rises-in-east-med)…
Greece’s prime minister warmly thanked France Thursday for boosting its military presence in the eastern Mediterranean, where Greek and Turkish warships are closely shadowing each other over a Turkish energy exploration bid in waters Athens claims as its own.

Blast in Beirut- Birth Pangs

Thoughts about the blast:- Easy access to Port from the sea-Israel covets Lebanese oil reserves (claim as their own)Massive Natural Gas resources to spark attack by Israel on Lebanon - Israel occupies Lebanese lands- Israel breaches Lebanese air space to wage war on Syria- Hariri “Verdict”I was always of the mind that Israel was behind the massive explosion that

Russians still hope Hagia Sophia to remain Orthodox

Submitted by Nadia Bazuk…
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 10, 2020, repealed a decree, signed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. An Orthodox Christian cathedral built in 537 by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I once again has turned into a mosque. This incident provoked favorable reaction comments among Turkish Muslims as well as massive disappointment in Christian countries.

The Syrian Army Is Appointing on “Aleppo – Lattakia” Highway – Idlib Battle Is Approaching

M4 International Highway
By Khaled Iskef | American Herald Tribune | July 28, 2020

The field developments return to the front of the Syrian events, after the cautious calm that lasted for several months in the north of the country coinciding with the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement on conducting joint patrols on the “M4” road known as “Aleppo-Lattakia” highway.