
 Shaping Palestinian politics: The UAE has a leg up on Turkey

The United Arab Emirates may have the upper hand in its competition with Turkey in efforts to shape Palestinian politics. Similarly, the UAE’s recognition of the Jewish state gives it a leg up in ensuring that its voice is heard in Israel and Washington irrespective of who wins the November US election. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan didn’t miss a[Read More...]

EU turns itself into pretzel over Belarus & Turkey sanctions. Blames failure on Cyprus

Via Cyprus Mail (https://cyprus-mail.com/2020/09/23/christodoulides-cyprus-did-not-veto-eu-sanctions-on-belarus/)…
Nicosia did not decide to veto an EU decision to impose sanctions against Belarus unless the bloc also took action against Turkey, Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides said on Wednesday.
Cyprus did, however, insist that the agreement at foreign ministers’ level on the discussion of both issues be implemented, he said.

Confrontation In Eastern Mediterranean Not Letting Up

For several months now, information on the events taking place in the Eastern Mediterranean continues to persistently occupy a prominent position in the newscasts. Despite the measures taken by the international community, tension among Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and NATO continues to revolve around this region. Different media outlets occasionally portray the situation as virtually foreshadowing a direct military confrontation between various participants in the regional standoff.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Al-Arabiya channel, Moscow, September 21, 2020

I'm posting the entire interview for two reasons:1st: It should be read entirely2nd: It relates and will be linked into a pending post here at the blog The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Question: I would like to start by asking you Sir about a few topics and Libya is on the top of them, the threat of a possible regional war starting from Sirte still looms large.