
Reporter Serena Shim remembered six years after suspicious death near Turkey

Press TV | October 18, 2020 Six years after her suspicious death, Press TV reporter Serena Shim is remembered as one of the first journalists to have exposed the involvement of the US-led Western countries and their regional allies in igniting the foreign-sponsored terrorism in Syria, a daring act of investigative journalism for which she […]

The Confrontation in the Eastern Mediterranean is Not Subsiding

The standoff taking place in the Eastern Mediterranean, despite attempts on the part of the international community to reduce its intensity, is unfortunately not calming down. In the beginning, in September, the first preconditions arose for Ankara to tone down its demonstration of intransigence in its efforts to gain access to potential gas reserves in […]

NATO, Energy Geopolitics and Conflict in Caucasus

Rarely are geopolitical events innocently coincidental, as an old saying goes. Let’s look at a few recent upheavals. First we have the renewed pressure on Germany and Europe to abandon the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline from Russia, which the strange Navalny affair and his alleged poison-assassination conveniently gives cover to what would otherwise be an unprecedented backsliding on strategic energy trade.
Then we have the resurgence in armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed enclave territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

How Azerbaijan Is Lobbying Washington to Sanitize Its War

Documents reveal a flurry of activity to convince beltway elites that Armenia is the aggressor and the U.S. should favor Azerbaijan.
Barbara BOLAND
As conflict heats up over Nagorno-Karabakh, a tiny Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, a covert battle is taking place on Capitol Hill to win the hearts and minds of lawmakers in Washington.

Russia Warns of an “Explosion” in the East of the Euphrates, north of Syria

Russia warned of an explosion of the ‘Kurdish Problem’ in the east of Euphrates, in the north of Syria, due to the US continuous meddling from far away, while Erdogan, NATO’s 2nd top leader, takes advantage of the current stalemate to beef up his forces of the Turkish army and al Qaeda affiliates, Trump forces increasing presence in the far […]