
Russiagate disciple Michael McFaul upset that Putin hasn’t congratulated Biden for presumed election win

RT | November 8, 2020 Former US envoy to Russia Michael McFaul is unhappy that Moscow hasn’t declared Joe Biden the election winner without official results, apparently tossing aside years of hysteria about Kremlin “meddling” in US internal affairs. McFaul, who became one of the most outspoken proponents of the debunked theory that Moscow “colluded” […]

Lebanon is sinking economically, and pulling Syria down with them

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Syrian President Bashar al Assad recently revealed the main source of Syria’s deepening economic crisis.  He pointed to the $20 to $42 billion in deposits in Lebanese banks by Syrian customers, which are now frozen and unable to be accessed, and feared lost. “This figure for an economy like Syria is […]

Washington Switching Loyalties from Turkey to Greece?

In recent years, relations between the United States and the Republic of Turkey have deteriorated dramatically for a number of reasons. One of which was a failed coup attempt in Turkey in 2016, aimed at overthrowing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with a large number of senior officials in Ankara repeatedly accusing the United States. Their […]

Turkey Creates its Version of NATO?

In addition to the coronavirus pandemic, some politicians have been infected today by another pandemic – the “NATO” one. Having encapsulated a significant number of countries in coalitions created against its opponents, the United States, in the heat of a militant pandemic, tried in recent years to first create the so-called “Arabic NATO”, and then even […]

Will The Turkish Economy Kill Erdogan’s New Ottoman Empire?

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Turkey in the past two years has engaged in a remarkable series of active geopolitical foreign interventions from Syria to Libya to Cyprus and most recently on the side of Azerbaijan in the territory conflict with Armenia over the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Some have called it Erdogan’s ‘New Ottoman Empire’ strategy. Yet […]