
Turkey Normalizes its Ties with Egypt

Turkey, committed to creating a new balance of power in the Mediterranean, has in the past month continued its efforts to normalize relations with Egypt, which have deteriorated sharply since the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi in the summer of 2013, following which the sides recalled their ambassadors. Of course, the restoration of bilateral relations will […]

Leaked documents prove UK funded anti-Damascus groups: Assad’s top aide

Press TV – May 9, 2021 A senior aide to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has accused the United Kingdom of funding anti-Damascus groups to stoke further unrest in the Arab country and said Western states were exerting pressure on Syrian officials to dissent from the government. Bouthaina Shaaban, Assad’s political and media adviser, made the […]

Armenian Genocide Recognition, Game Changer and Threat to NATO’s Continued Existence

With Turkey in tatters, Joe Biden has added insult to injury with the Armenian Genocide recognition, a campaign promise he has now kept. A few weeks ago, Turkey’s currency lost 17% in one day, and COVID is at its highest peak there. It goes without saying that the Turkish leadership is facing disaster, both domestically […]

Biden Wants a Pliable Turkey: Will his Strategy Work?

By dropping the “genocide bomb” the sitting US president seems to have unleashed a process that, in his opinion, would force Turkey into falling in line with US policies, as Erdogan’s political fortunes are apparently falling. Let’s not forget that Joe Biden had pledged during his election campaign to recognise the Armenian genocide. As such, while the […]

Has Washington Lured Erdogan into a Bear Trap?

After failing to block Turkey’s purchase of the advanced S-400 Russian air defense system, Washington diplomacy in recent months appeared to have managed to “flip” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to support of US interests in several critical countries from Libya to Armenia to Ukraine, even Afghanistan. With the Turkish economy on the brink of […]

The Kurds will be punished for Biden’s Armenian Genocide recognition

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Turkey launched a cross-border attack against separatist Kurdish militants in northern Iraq within hours of US President Joe Biden’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide carried out 106 years ago by the former Turkish government.  US troops, and their Kurdish allied militia, the Syrian Defense Forces (SDF), came under armed […]

Red Lines in US-Turkey Relations

Recently, the relationship between two NATO allies, Washington and Ankara, has started deteriorating noticeably despite the fact that after the 2nd World War, Turkey was viewed as USA’s “right-hand man” in the region for many years. During the previous century, the United States grew accustomed to treating Turks as junior partners who were expected to […]

Key U.S. air base in Turkey sits on property stolen from Armenians during the genocide

Key U.S. air base in Turkey sits on property stolen from Armenians during the genocide Suppose the U.S. built and operated a military base in Germany on property confiscated from Jews during the Holocaust. America, Jewish Americans, Germany, and Israel would have reached a principled resolution years ago. Now consider Incirlik (EEN-jeer-leek) Air Base in […]

Joe Biden, Recognition and the Armenian Genocide

Attributing names to the brutal acts humans are capable of inflicting upon each other is never without problems.  There are gradations of terror, hierarchies of atrocity and cruelty.  In these, the pedants reign.  Disputes splutter and rage over whether a “massacre” can best be described as a crime against humanity or a counter-measure waged with […]
The post Joe Biden, Recognition and the Armenian Genocide first appeared on Dissident Voice.