
Libya is fertile ground for terrorism promoted by the West

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/06/01/libya-is-fertile-ground-for… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The relative settlement between the Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army (LNA) of Khalifa Haftar and subsequent cessation of hostilities in Libya could have been seen as a positive sign for a long-term truce in the country. However, experts are now raising an alarm […]

The US is Exacerbating the Rift between Turkey and Greece in NATO

The conflicts between individual NATO members are becoming more and more difficult for the alliance to sweep under the carpet – especially one of its most noticeable “cracks”, which exists between Greece and Turkey. Against the background of deteriorating relations with Ankara, the White House has already stopped even trying to hide that it is […]

Syrians reject the US ‘regime change’ and re-elect President Assad

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/05/28/syrians-reject-the-us-regim… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was re-elected to a fourth term in office, his second term under the 2012 constitution, with 95.1% of the votes, according to Hamouda Sabbagh, the head of parliament. Sabbagh announced the results in a news conference on Thursday, saying voter turnout was around 78%, […]

Where Will Ankara’s Attempts at Geopolitical Balancing Lead?

Today, when Turkey is experiencing serious difficulties in its relations with many countries of the Western world, primarily the United States and the EU, as well as the Middle East, Turkish President Erdogan is trying to pursue a policy of a circus tightrope walker in order not only to get to “solid ground”, but also […]

Douma: Three Years On: How independent media shot down the false “chemical attack” narrative.

Fantastic endorsement by the esteemed John Pilger. I’m humbled. “This outstanding report from Syria by Eva Bartlett penetrates the ‘iron dome’ of Western propaganda, also known as news. It is about a chemical attack that never happened in a country attacked, subverted and blockaded in your name.“ The article in question was published at Off… Read More Douma: Three Years On: How independent media shot down the false “chemical attack” narrative.

Turkey: security cooperation with US government ‘has ended’

MEMO | May 24, 2021 Joint training and intelligence-sharing between Turkey and the US have reportedly been ended gradually since 2016, Middle East Eye has reported. The move was apparently part of a process initiated by Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu. According to the London-based news outlet, which cited Turkish sources close to the prominent minister, he […]

Syrians abroad vote for a return to stability

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/05/22/syrians-abroad-vote-for-a-r… Syrians went to their embassy, or consulate, in dozens of countries abroad to vote for president on May 20, while the domestic vote will take place May 26. Some voiced their vote for President Bashar al-Assad was based on his ability to steer Syria out of a 10-year […]

Ottoman’s Forever Empire and its Multiple Triggers for War

Trading Genocides On April 24, 2021, US President Joseph Biden declared that the massacre of 1.5 million Turkish Armenians in 1915 constituted genocide. As to whether genocide is the word Americans can consent to use about Native Americans who suffered death, torture, displacement, apartheid and disease at the hands, mainly, of European settlers in the […]

So, Turkey and Israel Try to Befriend or Unfriend Each Other?

Although Turkey was the first Muslim state to recognize Israel back in 1949, relations between the countries have developed in waves in recent decades. This is largely due to the fact that the rhetoric and actions of the leadership of both countries are based on the satisfaction of their electorates. Tensions between Turkey and Israel […]

Why Turkey Reapproaches Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

A major reason for why Turkey has recently approached Saudi Arabia and Egypt is how Erdogan’s ‘neo-Ottoman’ ambitions have backfired. If Erdogan’s plan was to stretch Turkish zone of influence from the Gulf/the Middle East to Africa, its aggressive and antagonistic pursuits have largely left it isolated in the region. With its economy almost exhausted, […]