
The Istanbul Canal opens the path for further NATO pressure against Russia

By Paul Antonopoulos | July 2, 2021 A new mega-project has been launched – the Istanbul Canal, connecting the Marmara and Black Seas. It will be an alternative to the Bosporus Strait, and thus challenges the Montreux Treaty and opens the path for further NATO pressure against Russia. However, there is major opposition to the […]

The Russian Defense Ministry monitors new violations of the de-escalation agreement in northern Syria.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has monitored new violations committed by the militants of the “Al-Nusra ” organization, in the “de-escalation” area in northern Syria. The Russian Reconciliation Center in “Hmeimim” stated that “Al-Nusra” terrorists carried out 33 attacks last Saturday, through rocket and artillery shells, most of them in Idlib countryside, which recorded 15 […]

The Syrian war is over: now what?

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/06/22/the-syrian-war-is-over-now-… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The US and EU are holding 13 million Syrians living inside Syria as hostages to their project to effect ‘regime change’ in Damascus. Western and European governments have continued to ignore the reality on the ground. The Syrian government remains in control of the majority of the territory […]

Russian forces block US military patrol in northeast Syria

Press TV – June 22, 2021 Russian forces have blocked an American military convoy, comprising four armored vehicles, in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah province. Russia’s RT television network reported on Monday that Russian personnel had stopped the US military patrol along the M4 highway, some 10 kilometers west of the town of Tall Tamr. Informed sources […]

Biden agreed to Turkey defending Kabul airport, says US official

MEMO | June 18, 2021 US President Joe Biden and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have agreed on Turkey’s offer to take a leading role in the defence of Afghanistan’s Kabul Airport, the US National Security Advisor has revealed. Speaking to reporters yesterday, Jake Sullivan said that the two leaders discussed the situation in Afghanistan during their meeting on […]

Is Erdogan Reshaping the World at the Behest of Washington?

On June 14, Joe Biden held his first meeting as US president with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ending a five-month wait for personal contact between the two leaders. The outcome and themes of this meeting were clear to all long before it took place, although Washington has been persistently emphasizing the cooler relations […]

Erdogan staged a coup to silence his opposition

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/06/15/erdogan-staged-a-coup-to-si… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Turkey’s armed forces are known for their efficiency. However, officers bungled the coup attempt so badly that critics describe the events of July 15, 2016, as a “self-coup” organized by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to justify consolidating his grip on power, which resulted in 300 deaths and […]