
Adept in Pan-Ottomanism, Erdogan Got Carried Away Playing Soldiers

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is well known for his resounding appeals built on the political doctrine of Pan-Ottomanism, which emerged in Turkey in the 1970s, according to which all subjects of the Ottoman Empire are members of a single nation, the Ottomans. However, such verbal passage has been recently increasingly followed by actual actions, […]

Turkey Aims to Be at the Forefront of the Unmanned Systems of the Future

Unmanned military technology is increasingly being introduced by various armies worldwide, whether in the air, at sea, or on the ground. Therefore, weapons such as unmanned combat vehicles and combat robots are becoming a development priority for many countries. Along with such established global producers of unmanned military equipment as Russia, the US, and Israel, Turkey […]

On the Ground in Syria: Terrorist groups, Turkish threats & Russian overtures

Ibrahim Mohammad Wahdi Turkish threats of a wide-scale military operation in northern Syria and a Syrian-Kurdish approach under Russian auspices, while al-Julani continues his plan to control Idlib. * What follows is a detailed analysis of the terrorist groups and warlord factions involved in the occupation of north-west Syria and the interconnected Turkish neo-Ottoman agenda …

Bashar Assad getting accepted by Arab leaders. US and Israel losing their chance

By Robert Inlakesh | RT | November 12, 2021 In a significant move towards normalising Syria’s government, UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed visited Damascus to discuss strengthening the ties between the two nations, sparking outrage from the US and Israel. A surprise visit to the Syrian capital on Tuesday by Abu Dhabi’s foreign […]

Turkey in the Light of a “Conspiracy” Stagged by Western Ambassadors

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has abandoned his threat to dismiss 10 western Ambassadors due to their joint statement in supporting the imprisoned civil society leader and philanthropist Osman Kavala. The decision came after the United States and several other interested countries issued identical declarations about their compliance with the UN convention, which requires […]

Turkey Took Up the Use of Climate Weapons

Because of drought, crop failures, and shortages of freshwater water wars are today becoming for the population of many regions as urgent as the dangers of wars involving nuclear bombs, chemicals, and other means of mass destruction. They cause mass migration, exacerbate the political situation, hostilities and wars. In this context, for example, the Nile […]

On the Campaign to “Bury” Erdogan in Turkey and Abroad

General elections in Turkey are two years away, but the battle for votes has already begun. Every day, more and more forces join the struggle for political influence in the country that is strategically important for many international players. In addition to internal opposition, even his former allies are in play to eliminate the impulsive and […]

Human Rights are for Everyone!

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people … The […]
The post Human Rights are for Everyone! first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Erdogan is the First to Put Western Ambassadors in their Place

Recently, Western ambassadors, led by their respective governments, but mainly by Washington, began to interfere in the internal affairs of the states that accredited them. They impose the Western nations’ will and attitude, demonstrating the alleged firm hold and power the collective West has over other nations. Through their actions, they attempt to establish a […]

Erdogan Rushes to Form a Broad Coalition of pro-Turkish Forces

Amid the failure of US policy and credibility and the decline of the European Union’s role in international affairs and relations with the United States, Turkish leader Erdogan is rushing to build a broad coalition of pro-Turkish forces in Central Asia and the Mediterranean. He emphasizes strengthening his influence in Central Asia, where the Turkish […]