
Growing Rapport between Russia and Turkey

No matter how strange it may sound, Russia and Turkey are very similar, and this creates favorable conditions for their alignment. The history of both nations, the Turkic and Slavic world, is connected with Byzantium, and both have both Orthodox and Muslim roots, however, in different proportions. Even despite a history of more than three […]

US proxy wars in Ukraine, Syria, and China may be next

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Former Virginia State Senator Richard H. Black was recently interviewed by Mike Robinson.  In the video, Black discusses the conflict in Ukraine, his views on NATO expansionism, and draws parallels with the conflict in Syria. Black said the US has a strategic policy of using proxies to engage in […]

US and NATO Increasing Pressure on Turkey

For many a year, relations between Ankara and Washington have been characterized by an “unstable balance.” If initially, when Erdogan first came to power, his Justice and Development Party (AKP) was supported by the United States, then over time it has ceased to be an American project, demonstrating (as well as Erdogan himself) more and […]

Turkey will leave NATO and create a new alliance?

The main international topic of recent topics was the prospect of Finland and Sweden joining NATO. On May 18, applications from these countries were submitted to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. He stressed that the decision of Helsinki and Stockholm would strengthen the security of Europe at a critical moment. Jens Stoltenberg noted that he […]

US-Turkish terrorists use Obama’s gift to attack bus with 12 dead and 14 wounded in Syria

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator A Syrian military bus was attacked on Friday, which killed 12 soldiers and wounded 14, between the towns of Nubl and Al Zahra, west of Aleppo at 9:30 am. The attack was carried out by the Turkish sponsored ‘Sultan Shah’ terrorist group, which used a TOW anti-tank rocket. The […]

Nordic NATO Expansion or NATO Implosion?

On May 16 2022, Finland and Sweden decided to become members of NATO. Not only is this totally against the 1991 US / NATO promise to then Russian President Gorbachev, that “NATO will not move an inch eastward from Berlin”. Then total NATO members were 14, two in the Americas – US and Canada – […]
The post Nordic NATO Expansion or NATO Implosion? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The West Approves Turkey’s Operation against the Kurds but Condemns Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine

On 18 April, Turkey announced the beginning of a new cross-border military special operation in Iraqi Kurdistan, Claw Lock (Pençe Kilit). Ankara initially focused all its attention on the Duhok Province of Iraq, where Special Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Turkey with the support of artillery, landed in the Metina, Zap and Avashin […]

Why Erdogan is in a Rush for Peace with Saudi Arabia?

On April 28 the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan arrived in Saudi Arabia for an official visit which is already called symbolic for Ankara and Riyadh. As reported by Turkish media, Erdoğan had a meeting with the Saudi king Salman bin Abdulaziz followed by a meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the Al-Salam […]