
Bizarro World: Mega-Terrorist Turkey Accuses Finland and Sweden of Supporting Terrorists

Welcome to bizarro world. That’s where Turkey, a notorious state sponsor of international terrorism, has the sheer gall to accuse Finland and Sweden of supporting terrorists. Even more bizarre: Neither Finland, Sweden, the U.S., NATO, EU, nor any country or leader has, to my knowledge, pointed out Ankara’s glaring hypocrisy. Turkey claims that Finland and Sweden host members of the PKK, the[Read More...]

The American empire is being defeated; Asia will lead the future.

Eric Zuesse Alexander Mercouris is a commentator on international affairs whose predictions I have been keeping track of for a long time, and they thus-far have a shocking 100% record of subsequent confirmation (accuracy). Nobody else comes close to that, except the anonymous author of the “Moon of Alabama” blog. Almost always, those two have […]

Erdogan and the Unification of Turkic-speaking States

Turkey’s budget deficit in April widened 197% from a year earlier, Bloomberg reported on May 16, as government spending soared. A number of other foreign agencies in recent reports are increasingly focusing on the clearly intensifying socio-political crisis in this country, and the Turkish economy is experiencing a truly rocky period. Another fall of the […]

Who and Why Is Fueling the Confrontation with Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean?

NATO has been struggling to sweep under the carpet the rift between its individual members, especially one of its most noticeable “cracks” in relations with Turkey. US and European media feature a lot of articles disparaging Ankara’s independent policies, a push that has especially picked up steam after Turkey refused to fast-track NATO ascension for […]

Turkey Spoils the Big NATO Party

Complacency has been the hallmark of NATO expansion.  Over time, it has even become a form of derision, notably directed against Russia.  As with many historical matters, records ignored can be records revisited, the second time around sometimes nastier than the first. With the Ukraine conflict raging, a few of Russia’s neighbours have reconsidered their […]
The post Turkey Spoils the Big NATO Party first appeared on Dissident Voice.

What Turkey Tries to Achieve by Opposing NATO’s Expansion

Internal divisions in NATO are not a new phenomenon, with tensions between Turkey, due to its ties with Moscow, and the US and the rest of NATO being its primary manifestation. Turkey’s recent objections to NATO’s expansion by including two Nordic states of Sweden and Finland reveals, yet again, that the organisation is far from […]

Erdogan angers Biden but holds the keys to NATO aggression against Russia

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on May 23 a new military operation in northern Syria to establish a 30-kilometer-wide zone of Turkish occupation.  Erdogan terms the proposed action as a counterterrorism operation, with details to be announced in the next National Security Council meeting. Turkey views the US-sponsored Kurdish […]

Can the Conflict with Turkey over NATO Enlargement be Resolved?

The conflict between the “collective West” and Turkey, due to Washington’s active desire to enlarge NATO by adding Sweden and Finland to the alliance, has not subsided in recent days and makes further action on this track by Ankara increasingly problematic. Furthermore, not everyone in NATO countries is enthusiastic about the enlargement of the alliance, […]

System Fail 11: Lamborghinis and Tear Gas

CORRECTION: During the production of this episode we were working with the most up to date information at the time when we had said nobody had died at the May Day protests in Chile. Unfortunately we have since learned that Francisca Sandoval, a journalist age 29 died several days later in the hospital. Our condolences […]
The post System Fail 11: Lamborghinis and Tear Gas first appeared on Dissident Voice.