
To cover, or not to cover, that is the question women are not allowed to answer

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator In France, it is banned in schools, and in Iran it is mandatory.  The French fashion police are interfering with women’s freedom while criticizing their counterparts in Iran. A piece of cloth used by women to cover their hair has become a point of contention. The Orthodox Jewish women […]

Turkey is in the grip of its upcoming elections

As you may know, the next presidential elections in Turkey will be held on June 18, 2023, as part of the general elections, along with the parliamentary elections scheduled for the same day. The winning candidate will be the country’s president for the next five years. Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ confirmed the election date, […]

Russia resumes participation in grain deal – Defense Ministry

Samizdat – November 2, 2022 Russia has resumed its participation in the Türkiye and UN-mediated deal on the export of Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea, the Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday. Moscow agreed to reverse the suspension after receiving written guarantees from Kiev that it would not use the safety corridor provided by Russia […]

Camelot’s Slurs: The Libelling of Adlai Stevenson

How do you bury responsibility for a decision inspired by a pilfered idea?  Blame someone else, especially if that person came up with the idea to begin with.  This tried method of distraction was used with invidious gusto by US President John F. Kennedy, who recast his role in reaching an agreement with the Soviet […]
The post Camelot’s Slurs: The Libelling of Adlai Stevenson first appeared on Dissident Voice.

“Turkey’s presence in Syria gives the US an excuse to protect Syrian Kurds”, an interview with Alptekin Dursunoğlu

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator   There are signs that Turkey and Syria may be ready to repair their relationship after a decade of conflict has divided the two neighbors. Turkish media Hurriyet reported on September 16 that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had expressed a wish to meet Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. According […]

US and Turkey keep Idlib a terrorist safe haven

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator On October 10, a US-led coalition drone strike killed an IS terrorist in northeastern Syria.  The terrorist was riding a motorcycle in a village occupied by Radical Islamic mercenaries employed by Turkey near Tel Albyat.  Since the defeat of ISIS in Syria in 2019, the terrorist group now referred […]

The CICA Summit in Astana

The unstoppable process of Eurasian integration, a key pillar of the emergent multipolar international order, marches onwards. Astana, Kazakhstan, during October 12th-13th held the 6th Summit of the ‘Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia’ (CICA), a Kazakh-supported multilateral forum of dialogue and regional cooperation across Asia. CICA, which was first suggested by […]