Turkey f-35

Turkish Lira under attack as U.S. halts shipment of F-35 jet equipment (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the weakening Turkish lira which dropped more than 2 percent on Tuesday, after reaching 5.6125 against the US Dollar. Lira volatility comes after the United States halted delivery of equipment related to the F-35 fighter aircraft to Turkey.
Erdogan continues to push forward with the purchase of Russian S-400s, against US and NATO warnings to halt the order of the advanced Russian air defense system.

Turkey seeks membership in BRICS

Following the 10th BRICS summit, which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa between July 25-27, the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has expressed his hope that Turkey will be accepted into the bloc. Erdogan pointed out that the bloc has expressed its willingness to expand its membership, and that with Turkey already being a part of the G20 alongside the BRICS countries, that a platform of cooperation to some degree is already present, and that since the BRICS countries are not opposed to the accession of Turkey, that he wishes they will soon permit it so.