Tulsi Gabbard

Hawaii's Democratic Politics Is Very Confusing

I'm thinking that there aren't that many Democrats in Hawaii who haven't already made up their minds about who they're going to vote for in the caucuses today-- or even if they're going to go to a caucus at all. Democrats are pretty split between the two candidates and there are 34 delegates at stake. I had to laugh, though, when I looked at who had endorsed Bernie and who had endorsed the conservative establishment candidate opposing him on behalf of the status quo. Hawaii's two progressive U.S.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Ruined The First Debate Already-- They Should Fire Her Before She Ruins The Rest

Thank God-- a debate without Trump! Finally! Watching every word from every candidate being geared to pleasing or provoking Trump-- based on each one of these nothings' strategies for dealing with him plurality of primary voters-- has been sickening and demeaning of the democratic process. (Not that he hasn't stuck his nose into the Democrats' debate.

There Are No Syrian Moderate Terrorists But 300 Members Of Congress Voted To Give "Them" Billions Of Our Taxpayer Dollars

We live in a political system where Congress shirks it's clear and unambiguous responsibility to declare war. Instead we get military actions of dubious legality and with superficial public support, which often quickly sours. Thursday the House came as close as they do to debating and voting for war. Disguised as H.R.

HI-02: Fix The Debt? Or Fight For Progressive Values?

Tulsi Gabbard positioned herself as the progressive candidate in last year's race to represent Hawai`i's 2nd Congressional District. She accurately and successfully tagged her main rival, Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, as anti-choice and anti-gay and, with strong backing from liberals, easily won last summer's Democratic primary.