Tulsi Gabbard

What's Next For Progressive Politics In New Jersey? John Wisniewski?

Before Bernie gave any indication he would run for president, Blue America started a Draft Bernie ActBlue page. The day he announced he was running, Blue America endorsed him-- our first-ever presidential endorsement-- and started collecting money for his campaign. Later we started the first ActBlue page to collect money for Berniecrat canddiates.

So What's Wrong With Tulsi Gabbard? She Was For Bernie, After All

Tulsi-- always palin' around with fascistsCollin Peterson, a Minnesota Blue Dog, is, arguably, the most reactionary Democrat in Congress. ProgressivePunch rates him an "F" and his lifetime crucial vote score is a mind-boggling 39.81. It's been even worse lately-- 35.95 in the current session, the 4th worst of any Democrat in the House.

Trump’s Tulsi Gabbard Factor

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | November 21, 2016 Two weeks after Donald Trump’s shocking upset of Hillary Clinton, the imperious and imperial neoconservatives and their liberal-interventionist understudies may finally be losing their tight grip on U.S. foreign policy. The latest sign was Trump’s invitation for a meeting with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, on […]

Hawaii's Republican Party Did To Their Own Trump What The National GOP is Afraid To Do To Trumpanzee Himself

The Republican Party-- especially although not exclusively the Trumpanzee Republican Party-- combines a hatred and bigtry wing with a greed and selfishness wing. And the chat between Dan Rather and Rachel Maddow in the video above focused on David Bossie from the former and Robert Mercer from the latter, both equally dangerous to the country and equally contemptible. The kind of people who support Trump and the same kinds of haters and sociopaths that supported the breakup of the U.S. leading up to the Civil War.

To Label Tulsi Gabbard A "Progressive" Is To Eviscerate The Very Meaning Of The Word And Stand It On Its Head

Tulsi loves Islamophobic genocidal Indian fascist Narendra ModiI don't really know Tulsi Gabbard. When she was running for Congress in 2012 she called and asked for a Blue America endorsement. Her opponent was Mufi Hannemann, an especially contemptible conservative and a real nightmare for progressives. But Gabbard had some problems of her own. Her Republican family led the anti-gay crusade in Hawaii.