Tulsi Gabbard

“Warmongering jack off” Howard Dean rails against Tulsi Gabbard for wanting peace in Syria (Video)

The liberal left attack on Tulsi Gabbard is ramping up. Her crime…wanting a proper investigation of the Idlib province chemical weapons attack before launching missiles on a sovereign nation, and possibly starting WW3.
Democrats are not happy with Gabbard’s thoughtful and logical stance, and want her removed from Congress.

Tulsi Gabbard Triggers The War Hawks With Her Based Skepticism

21st Century Wire says…
Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard continues to face down the mainstream propaganda machine with her based and skeptical opinion surrounding the war on Syria, including the recent attacks on Shayrat air base by the United States as a reprisal for the alleged ‘chemical attack’ on Idlib by Damascus.

Democrats attack Tulsi Gabbard, want her removed from Congress

No room for free speech. No dissent. No skepticism. Neocons, Democrats, liberal leftists…all united to remove Assad, prop up ISIS and begin WW3.
The warmonger knives are coming out for Gabbard in what is looking like Iraq WMDs all over again.

Gabbard spoke with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer who all of a sudden finds Trump very presidential and capable.

Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard condemn Trump’s war

Anti-interventionist Senator Rand Paul has rebuked Donald Trump’s military action in Syria on the grounds that it will not make America safe and that it was conducted without Constitutionally mandated Congressional approval.

Our prior interventions in this region have done nothing to make us safer and Syria will be no different.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) April 7, 2017

Rand Paul Introduces Tulsi Gabbard’s Stop Arming Terrorists Act

A well-equipped Syrian rebel using a US-made BGM-71 TOW against the Syrian Arab Army. (Photo YouTube Screenshot)
The Duran has reported extensively on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s quest to stop the US Congress from funding jihadist terrorist groups, specifically al-Qaeda and ISIS.
The Democrat Congresswoman recently traveled to Syria on a fact finding mission to confirm that their is “no difference between ‘moderate’ rebels and al-Qaeda or ISIS  – they are all the same”.

Rand Paul joins Tulsi Gabbard in calling for US Congress to stop funding ISIS and Al Qaeda

The Duran has reported extensively on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s quest to stop the US Congress from funding jihadist terrorist groups, specifically Al Qaeda and ISIS.
The Democrat Congresswoman recently traveled to Syria, on a fact finding mission, to confirm that their is “no difference between ‘moderate’ rebels and al-Qaeda or ISIS  – they are all the same”.

Tulsi Gabbard continues to push congress to strop funding ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria

Tulsi Gabbard continues to push for bipartisan support for her new bill which would restrict US agencies from supporting terrorists overseas.
A little over a month ago, Gabbard went on CNN to report some real news about how the Barack Obama White House  was arming Al Qaeda and ISIS, in an effort to overthrow Assad’s government.