Tulsi Gabbard

Porkins Policy Radio episode 177 Dave Emory on Tulsi Gabbard, AOC, Hindu Facism and more

This week I was joined by legendary anti-fascist researcher and radio host Dave Emory. We started off the conversation by discussing the surveillance state and its influence on everyday life. Dave and I talked about Silicon Valley and the military and intelligence links behind the creation of the internet. We also touched on Snowden and his mysterious past and connections to right wing figures like Bruce Fein. Later we talked about Tulsi Gabbard and her popularity amongst many on the left.

CNN Foreign Policy Gatekeepers Vilify Tulsi Gabbard for Her Anti-Intervention Dissent

Representative Tulsi Gabbard has made reforming United States foreign policy, particularly ending what she calls “regime change wars” and the “new Cold War and nuclear arms race,” central to her 2020 presidential campaign. She is virtually the only presidential candidate warning of the specter of nuclear war.

Caving under MSM pressure? Tulsi Gabbard interview on The View has some supporters fuming

© Reuters / Brian Snyder RT | February 21, 2019 US Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is being accused of “flip-flopping” on her Syria stance and “caving” to mainstream media pressure after a combative interview on The View. Questioned aggressively by panelist Meghan McCain, the daughter of the late Senator John McCain, Gabbard said there was […]

Is Tulsi Gabbard for Real? America Is Ready for a Genuine Peace Candidate

The lineup of Democrats who have already declared themselves as candidates for their party’s presidential nomination in 2020 is remarkable, if only for the fact that so many wannabes have thrown their hats in the ring so early in the process. In terms of electability, however, one might well call the seekers after the highest office in the land the nine dwarfs.

Tulsi 2020: Is She the Real Deal, or Another Obama?

Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard inspires many Americans with her peacemaking rhetoric, but some skeptics fear that she’s nothing more than another Obama. Many disgruntled Americans applauded the native Samoan’s promise to “end regime change wars” if she wins the 2020 election, and given the Hawaiian congressional representative’s previous deployment in Iraq as part of the National Guard, a lot of people think that she’s sincere with her pledge after seeing the terrors of war firsthand.