Tulsi Gabbard

A Way-Too-Early Look at Bernie Sanders' VP Choices

by Thomas NeuburgerWhat is Bernie Sanders looking for in a potential vice-presidential pick? What should he be looking for? These two questions, while it may be too early to ask them, are nonetheless worth considering. For one thing, the issue of Sanders' age, for those who are inspired by his policies, can be easily countered if he chooses a vice-president who is a) younger and b) just as progressive or nearly so.

Democrat presidential hopefuls seek a stoned America

Six of the burgeoning crowd of Democrats want a stoned America. They want your kids to be stoned. They probably would even want your dogs and cats to be stoned, too. We are talking about cannabis, of course, a.k.a. “pot”, “marijuana”, “weed”, and it is significant who supports this, because some of them are leading in the candidate polls right now.
These candidates are:

Democrat candidates begin their CIA indoctrination course (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou take a look at how former CIA directors,  are passing around a “briefing book” to 2020 Democrat Presidential, candidates to counteract what they call ‘fake news’ and ‘foreign election interference’.
Michael Morell and John McLaughlin have compiled the unclassified report, which contains, in their view, the major national security challenges facing the United States. The “briefing book is being distributing to every Democrat candidate running for U.S. president.

CODEPINK Ranks the 2020 Presidential Candidates on War, Peace and Military Spending

Forty-five years after Congress passed the War Powers Act in the wake of the Vietnam War, it has finally used it for the first time, to try to end the U.S.-Saudi war on the people of Yemen and to recover its constitutional authority over questions of war and peace. This hasn’t stopped the war yet, and President Trump has threatened to veto the bill.