Trumpy the Clown inauguration

Schumer Gives The Green Light For Senators To Boycott The Trumpy The Clown Inauguration. And...?

When I first met James we were both in our twenties. Now we're both in our sixties. When I met him he was getting a doctorate in urban planning. Now he's married to one of my oldest friends from high school and is considered one of the most distinguished architects in New York. He was always imbued with progressive values but I never saw him as an activist let alone a radical.

Comrade Trump: Inauguration Fiasco 2017! The Latest Inauguration News!

-by NoahFolks, it is with deep orange sadness, that I tell you the following facts about President Trump’s Inauguration Fiasco 2016. These are real facts, not the kind that pour out of the mouth of Kellyanne Konartist or the man who wears an orange rat on his head.Here’s the latest, as of Tuesday evening, January 17th:1. The B Street Band Says "No Deal!"