Trumpy-the-clown chaos

Señor Trumpanzee Finally Gets His Witch Hunt

The most dysfunctional and chaotic regime in American history is now breaking down entirely, as Trump sets employees against one another, like some Orwellian nightmare. They are scouring Bob Woodward's new book, Fear, line by line to see if they can identify anyone who has been disloyal to the would-be Führer. Speaking of which, in 1934 there was no going back for Germany when Hitler changed the Reichswehreid, the military pledge , to the Führereid. The original:

Who's Surprised The White House Is A Dysfunctional, Chaotic Mess?

What Would Freud Do? by Nancy OhanianDid anyone ever think a Trump White House wouldn't be the most dysfunctional hell hole in history? Putin sure made the best bet any Russia leader ever made! Monday morning everyone was talking about Omarosa-- what the fuck is that? Did that ever belong in a United States government?

How Many More GOP Seats Did Trump Lose With His Vile Tweet About Andy McCabe?

Neither my old friend Cynthia in L.A. nor my even older friend Helen in Westchester is a rambunctious kid, at least not any more. Helen is pushing 70 and Cynthia passed that goal post some time ago. Every day, Cynthia says things about Señor Trumpanzee that I hope and pray the Secret Service isn't hearing. And Helen... she hates Trump even more than Cynthia does.