Trump's war against the media

Pathetic Trumpist Hack Martha McSally Is Having A Hard Time Taking On Mark Kelly-- So She Is Ginning Up A War Against The Media Instead

The Arizona Senate race is going to be one of the hottest of 2020, but it isn't one that DWT, let alone Blue America, has been active in. Like the Arizona Senate race last cycle, there's just no good choice, just two bad ones. Last time, the theory was that Arizona Democrats needed a Republican-like candidate to win a red seat. And that was confirmed when wretched Blue Dog Kyrsten Sinema, then the single worst Democrat in the House, won the open red state seat. Today, Sinema is the single worst Democrat in the Senate, with a voting record to the right of Joe Manchin's.

Rushin’ To Destruction, 2019 In Review, Part 12-- Lawrence O’Donnell Details The Fantasy World Of Trump Followers

-by NoahDuring the 2016 campaign half of me was amazed that anyone could watch candidate Trump speak even for two minutes and not realize that they are watching an insane person who had managed to not be confined to asylum only because of his money and economic status. It wasn’t even entirely about what he was saying, it was the persona itself.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, it's Friday and our festering orange boil of a president will be jetting down to Mar-a-Lago to cheat at some golf games at our expense. If there are any bloated dead brown bodies in the water hazards on his golf course, they just might be some of his own undocumented employees but I doubt it. Trump would have stocked his water hazards with gators to take care of any such "problems." He'd even watch and laugh.