Trump's visit to England II

Part 2, Trolling A Trumpanzee In Queen Liz's Court

by NoahNo one inspires more meme creation than President Head Case and, perhaps his sad little excursion to England dressed as a penguin tops the list of fodder for such things. After all, it seems that every single photo of Trump and his "Low IQ" family in England has inspired a meme, including the one above, taken in front of a "No Photos" sign.

Trolling A Trumpanzee In Queen Liz’s Court

by NoahEngland is hardly Camelot these days, and I bet it wasn’t in King Arthur’s time either. Only the plagues have changed. This time, the plague arrived on Air Force One. It was even asked to come. The reaction of those still in their right minds was inevitable so, as a service to DWT readers, I felt that a brief compendium of England’s responses to the Trump State Visit, aka Trump’s Most Excellency Adventure was in order.

Trump Heads Off To Celebrate England’s Increasing Chaos (And Ours)

by NoahI know lots of people like England and get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about the place. People who know me well know that I’m not one of those. To me, England is just some bizarre theme park celebration of centuries of drunkenness and inbreeding where thoughtless tradition and odious heritage are lionized on an hourly basis.