Trump's mental health

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahDementia, meet paranoia. Drug strengthened paranoia at that.I'm tempted to say that, because of his "Live from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Meltdown" performance, Tuesday the 13th will go down as a top day of Trump Infamy, but there will be more, and there will be worse as what's left of Trump's mind slips deeper and deeper into absolute chaos. No one is coming with the net, not his family, not Congress or his $enators, and not the military.

Even A Corpse Could Probably Beat Trump-- And The Democratic Establishment Intends To Force That Choice On The Country

What happens when a narcissist runs a crisis? That's what Jennifer Senior asked in her NY Times column on Sunday, referring poetically to his "cramped and disordered mind, a darkened attic of fluttering bats" and to his "narcissistic personality disorder." She worried that in the midst of a global pandemic, his pathology is endangering not just institutions, but lives.

It Would Be Very Different If Our National Leader Wasn't A Serious Head Case

These figures for how many intensive care unit beds and ventilators are short in each stare-- according to reliable COVID-19 projections-- are from yesterday, so they are likely to be worse today. Let's look at each state alphabetically. The states in red have not implemented shelter at home orders. And there is no federal order either.

Trump Did NOT Cause COVID-19... But He Is Responsible For The Way The U.S. Is Botching The Response

The last thing in the world Trump wants to see are headlines like this one from Politico yesterday: Trump's mismanagement helped fuel coronavirus crisis. And once large numbers of people start dying, Trump will get really desperate, desperate that voters don't blame him, though they should.

If Biden Is The Democratic Nominee... The Presidency Will Hinge Not On Policy But On Comparisons Between His And Trump's Dishonesty, Family Members And Dementia

I'm no clairvoyant but it didn't take much insight to figure out that if the Democrats nominate Biden, Trump will make the race into one that asks each voter to grapple not with pressing issues-- especially since Biden, like hillary before him, doesn't really for anything other than anti-Trump-- but with who has a more repulsive corrupt family, who lies more and whose dementia is further advanced.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAirplane is one of my favorite silly movies, so when I saw this dark meme homage to the control tower captain played hilariously by Lloyd Bridges, I had to share it.Millions of people, if not billions the world over have asked how Donald Trump got the way he is. What could have caused a human brain to slip so far off the rails that it appears to live half in some alternate dimension.