Trump's judicial nominations

Trump Democrats Generally Lose-- Which Is A VERY Good Thing

A few days ago, defeated conservaDem, Claire McCaskill, was on Chris Hayes' show trying to wish upon a star that she could take back her vote confirming Alex Acosta after the Senate examined his qualifications. There isn't much new information that's come out since McCaskill and 5 other Democrats decided he should be the country's Secretary of Labor.

Trump's Wall And Judges-- A Couple Of Petards Of Theirs The GOP Got Hoist On This Week

In his war against humanity, Señor Trumpanzee took some fire yesterday from his own side. On Fox and Fiends a neo-Nazi pundit, Michelle Malkin, who is known on the far right fringes, said "Well, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I’m not going to spin it. I wish I could but I can’t. This is a cave. This was a blink." She was talking about Trump backing down from shutting the government after he was told he isn't getting any money for the wall the American Nazis want to build.

Is There Any Way To Stop Kavanaugh's Confirmation Before The Midterms?

Brett Cavanaugh by Nancy OhanianL.A. is packed with state legislators from around the country for conferences this week, including several friends of mine who I don't get to see often. Last night I had dinner with one and, as we were leaving Cafe Gratitude, he asked me how I thought the Kavanaugh thing would end. I think was looking for me to affirm his own optimism. I wish I could have. Do we have a shot? Sure.

Now You Know Why Nobody Gives A Damn About Trump Banging Porn Stars

by Bob LynchWell, Monday was certainly a big day for all the straight, white, Christian, men in this country and there is no doubt that Mother allowed Mike Pence an extra ‘Nilla Wafer before his 8:30 bedtime. But for the rest of us it was an existential crisis.I don’t mean that in the sense of the word that most pseudo intellectuals commonly associate with Sartre or Kierkegaard. I mean it in the literal sense in that it could means a potential end of existence for anyone that doesn’t check the aforementioned boxes.This is no longer a game or a joke or hyperbole folks.

How to Block the Trump Nomination: Shut Down the Senate

Imagine this room half empty whenever the Senate tried to Gaius PubliusEach House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business– U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 5[Update: Since publishing this piece, I'm reminded that Alabama Democrat Doug Jones defeated Republican Roy Moore in a special election earlier this year.

Superior Solution For The SCOTUS Emergency

Barrett by Chip Proserby David LeibowitzIndivisible has recently posted a web page titled “The 2-Step Strategy to Win the Supreme Court Fight” that clearly lays out the available conventional grassroots tools and strategies for dealing with the SCOTUS emergency. The first step is to block the approval of any Supreme Court nominee during the remainder of the current Senate session.

Bye-Bye Matthew Peterson-- We Were Just Getting To Know You

-by NoahAs is made clear in the clip, here is a Trump judicial nominee, Matthew Peterson, being grilled, by a southern Republican senator no less, about his fanciful qualifications to be a federal judge. This after another Trump judicial nominee, Brett Talley, an apparent KKK sympathizer, who withdrew his own nomination, after it was revealed that his wife works for Trump at the White House and that he had only been practicing law for 3 years.

A Guest Post-- And A Warning-- From Frank Schaeffer On The Coming Theocratic Takeover Of America

You may be aware that author and film-maker Frank Schaeffer is currently traveling around the country filming progressive candidates who are running for Congress next year. He started in Wisconsin with Randy Bryce, drove to North Carolina, then the OC and just finished with Jared Golden in Maine.