Trump's authoritarianism

How Sure Are You Trump Is A Fascist-- And Is That News To You Or Have You Known All Along?

With the exception of Putin-puppet Michael Flynn, Trump has now publicly denounced all of "his" generals. Thursday night, in a typically school yard insulting way, he went after his former Chief of Staff, General John Kelly.Friday morning Kelly slammed back in an interview with former White House communications director and ex-Trump crony, who Kelly had fired.

Señor Trumpanzee Threatened To Adjourn Both Chambers Of Congress

The Trumpists want to flex their authoritarianism and just flat out take over the government. Who didn't see this coming? The pandemic is the perfect excuse for him to try to do whatever it takes to seize extra-constitutional power. Yesterday, at his daily televised shit-show he threatened to force Congress to adjourn so he can appoint all the neo-Nazis it wants to put into position:

Trump’s “Perfect Plan” To Become Dictator In November Runs Through 12-18 Swing State Legislatures

by Bob Fitrakis, Joel Segal and Harvey WassermanDonald Trump’s “Perfect Plan” to become dictator in November now runs through 30 Republican-controlled state legislatures, with the pivot in 12-18 swing states.Anyone hoping for any remnant shreds of human rights and personal freedom has just seven months to stop the terminal destruction of what’s left of American democracy. Nothing is hidden or a surprise.

The End Of Democracy... In Wisconsin?

Me The People by Nancy OhanianWhen I was in grade school, we were taught to laugh at elections in the Soviet Union, North Korea, North Vietnam, Egypt and other authoritarian countries, especially when there was just one person on the ballot-- the incumbent-- and he got 98.5% of the vote. Even the most popular leaders in a democracy aren't reelected with numbers like that.

What A Leader Sounds Like And What A Leader Doesn't Sound Like

Writing a couple of weeks ago for the New York Review of Books, Jonathan Stevenson suggested that "Trump appears to be testing the American political system’s tolerance for soft dictatorship through the cavalier-- and potentially illegal-- use of presidential emergency powers. On February 15, after months of blustery threats, he declared a national emergency on the southern U.S.