
The DCCC Should Start Making Devin Nunes Fight For His Seat

Nunes: Masterminding the GOP PutinGate coverupDevin Nunes' Central Valley House seat is pretty safely Republican-- but not nearly as safe as it was when he was first elected in 2002. The PVI is still rated a daunting R+10 but the demographics have shifted precipitously. Only 41.9% of Nunes' constituents are white now and one day-- who knows?-- the DCCC might decide to target him. They should. Nunes shouldn't be given any more free rides.

Don't Be Mean To The Brutal Russian Dictator

A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that "in 2015 a prominent Russian opposition activist named Vladimir Kara-Murza [who was also a long-time Journal writer] inexplicably suffered multiple organ failure and barely survived after falling into a coma for nearly a week. On Thursday it happened to him again, in much the same way.

Is it really possible to impugn the character of So-Called Att'y Gen'l Jeff Sessions?

Plus: The Ninth Circuit Court weighs inin the war between Trumpery and RealityHas there ever been anything mysterious about the motives or conduct of So-Called Att'y Gen'l Jeff Sessions?"Unfortunately, while this episode has all kinds of symbolic importance, and while it will and should serve as a major rallying cry for Democrats going forward, one key takeaway here must be that it constitutes a brutal reality check for Democrats about the long and dif

Senator Laura Ingraham? Would You Rather See A Senator Billie Joe Armstrong?

In a display of startling intellectual dishonesty-- even for someone as laughably dishonest as Hate Talk Radio host Laura Ingraham, she has certainly changed her tune on Russia since Trump crawled out from underneath his reality TV celebrity. And she's now considering a run against Tim Kaine for his Virginia U.S.