
Can Trump Turn The Fed Into A Bastion Of Trumpnomics-- Enough To Make The Coming Recession Into A Depression?

When Trump nominated crackpot Stephen Moore for a spot on the Fed, I was shocked. That's even a crazy move for Trump. What was I missing? I asked the smartest economist I know, Stephanie Kelton. All she would say is that "It’s not an inspired choice, to say the least. Paul McCulley would have been an inspired choice." Conservative economist Greg Mankiw was considerably more forthcoming on his thoughts about the nomination.Mankiw isn't famous because he teaches economics at Harvard, though he does.

Trump In The White House Absolutely Predicts A Recession-- The Question Is Just How Soon

The Obama administration worked hard to turn the economy around after Trump inherited an economy that would have been a dream for any president. He immediately set out to sabotage it and, unfortunately, his policies are finally kicking in strongly enough to wreck everything that Obama did to right the economy Bush left him-- and us. But before we get into Trump's disastrous policies, one little note: his utter and complete lack of leadership abilities are working hand in hand with bad policy to bring down the economy.