
Is The End Of The Two Corrupt DC Party Establishments Nigh?

A friend of mine-- a wise friend of mine-- told me she thinks Bernie's going to win the primary in a  walk... but will lose to Trumpf, Cruz or Rubio because the Clintons will utterly destroy the Democratic Party, just as their dear friend Trumpf is destroying the Republican Party. Interesting proposition. The constitution purposely left out any mention of parties and the Founding Fathers were disdainful of their influence. Today we can see why; neither party deserves to exist.

War And Peace and Bush/Cheney... And The 2016 Election

Sunday after the hate-filled GOP debate in South Carolina, establishment Republicans, led by neocon sad sack Bill Kristol were all over the Twitter Machine claiming that no "reasonable" or "responsible" Democrat had gone as far as Herr Trumpf in calling out Bush/Cheney for lying us into the catastrophic Iraq War. Well, that's totally false.

RNC Filled The Food Fight Auditorium With Rubio And Cruz Supporters

Last night the RNC seems to have limited the audience to Rubio and Cruz fans. Herr Trumpf was thoroughly boo-ed whenever he opened his mouth. I wonder if Priebus got his ideas about who to admit to the debate audience from Wasserman Schultz. The Rubio and Cruz fans also booed each other during the immigration cat fight. Trumpf kept calling Cruz a liar... in fact, eventually, they all started calling each other liars.

Too Late, Republicanos... You Created This Base Of Imbeciles And Now They're Shoving Fascism Down Your Throats

This week a gaggle of Mitt Romney operatives, led by Katie Packer and under the name, Our Principles PAC, spent over $2 million-- from undisclosed sources-- running TV ads in Iowa and New Hampshire attacking Herr Trumpf and his positions. The over-all theme is that he isn't a real Republican and all of the messaging is in the video above. The ads themselves are below. They've also been bombarding the media with anti-Trumpf press releases like this: