
It's Extremely Unlikely Paul Ryan Will Be Able To Hold Onto His Seat In The 2018 Midterms

The new PPP survey has Congress' approval down at 9%. By a 49-35% margin, voters want to see Democrats win control of the House in 2018. On top of that, the Republican Speaker, Paul Ryan, has a job approval rating of just 16%-- with 62% of Americans disapproving of the way he's handling his job.

Dean Heller: Dead Man Walking-- Or Crawling

Apart from Schumer and Reid having found the least qualified and most unappetizing creep to run as a Democrat-- pray Dina Titus runs-- there is virtually no one who can see a path to victory for Dean Heller in his treacherous reelection campaign. The newest PPP survey of Nevada voters looks absolutely devastating for his chances. Senators don't recover from a 22% approval a year out from an election in a state that's trending towards the opposite party, as Nevada is.

You Have To Go To A Dead Language To Find The Best Definition Of Trumpism

McConnell had hoped the Senate would vote to repeal Obamacare on Thursday night. He was wrong on two counts: the Senate rejected the repeal again-- and it came on Friday morning, the 52nd anniversary of Medicare.My great-grandparents came to the U.S., refugees from the genocidal tyrannies of Eastern Europe, in the early 1900s. When I was a kid my grandmother sometimes used Yiddish words from her childhood around the house. When I was trying to think of a word to describe Trump's horrifying, degenerate, shameful and dysfunctional regime one of those words popped into my head: hegdesh.

When John McCain Grappled with the Best Congress Money Can Buy

Trainwreck by Nancy Ohanian-by Skip KaltenheuserMost recent plaudits for John McCain focus on flashes of character on his campaign trail when he condemned crazed birther and racist attacks on candidate Obama. I’d like to jump in the Way-back and travel to when McCain earned a “maverick” label.Give Senator McCain praise for his early efforts at campaign finance reform, done across the aisle with then-Senator Russ Feingold.

Trump Is Making No Friends On Capitol Hill-- And That Could Hurt In An Impeachment Trial

It's widely acknowledged that McConnell and the Trump Regime bribed Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) to change her vote on the motion to proceed with TrumpCare, after all her self-congratulatory comments to West Virginia voters about how she would protect them-- even if she had to be the deciding vote to thwart the plan to kick tens of millions of Americans off healthcare. Instead she was the deciding vote in the opposite direction.

Grand ol’ cuck McCain attacks Trump three times in 15 minute speech

US Senator John McCain made a dramatic return to the US Senate on Tuesday, following a diagnosis of brain cancer and having a blood clot removed from above his left eye.
McCain made the trip back to Washington from where he was receiving treatment at the elite Mayo Clinic, in order to cast a crucial vote to move forward debate on Donald Trump’s healthcare bill. The bill’s been stalled in the senate due to opposition from several Republicans and the entire Democratic caucus.

Maine Republican On The Health Care Hot Seat: Bruce Poliquin

Bruce Poliquin (R-ME) is the only Republican representing a House district in New England. He's a rich guy who began his political campaign by self-fundng a race for governor-- and not just losing to crackpot Paul LePage but coming in 6th out of 7 Republicans in the primary! LePage gave him the job as state treasurer. In 2012 he lost another GOP primary, this one for the U.S. Senate seat given up by Olympia Snowe.