
Pelosi Comes Clean…Sleepy Joe Biden Cannot Debate Trump

Via CNN (…)…
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden shouldn’t debate President Donald Trump, claiming that his Republican rival in the 2020 election would “belittle” what the presidential debates should be about.”

The Ochelli Effect – Founding Fathers Convention Fools

From After some Technical issues, Carmine and Mike joined Chuck to try and take an honest look at the founding father’s concept and the strange adoption of the iconic figures that lack substance. Isn’t it strange that monuments today and the concept of the standing military are nor what it appears any of the […]

Alice Johnson Receives Full Presidential Pardon

As the election season heats up, so has the divisive rhetoric on race and identity politics.
President Trump issued a full Presidential Pardon to criminal justice reform campaigner  Alice Johnson. No sooner did she receive her pardon that the Democratic activists and partisan mainstream outlets began to attack her for ‘betraying’ the African-American community and Democrats by being photographed with Trump and for appearing at the Republic National Convention where she spoke on criminal justice reform last week. Watch:

The age of disputed presidencies – is democracy in crisis?

Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts…
In 1378, it was not clear who the true Pope was. Depending on whom one asked, it was either Clement VII, nowadays listed as an Antipope in the Catholic Encyclopedia, or Urban VI. This was a time of crisis in Western Europe, often referred to as the “Western Schism”.

Will Brazil and U.S. stand alone in reforming World Health Organization?

Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst…
Despite the withdrawal of the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO), the current American government has expressed an interest in leading a major reform for the health organization and, for that, President Donald Trump wants Brazil’s support. Washington’s intention to count on Brazil’s help to reform the WHO is in spite of calls from members of the European Union (EU) not to do this.