
Obama’s legacy of massive corruption REVEALED! [Video]

We want to give a major hat tip to “The Liberal Hivemind” whose editor (reputedly a former lefty who faced the truth) has been phenomenal in compiling all the information you are about to learn about in this video. While much of the information is considered circumstantial evidence, there is so much of it that it become obvious that President Trump was right from the beginning about the Obama administration purposefully seeking to interfere and destroy the Trump campaign and later, Presidency.

Is Silicon Valley Meddling on Behalf of Biden-Harris and DNC?

They say there are only two certainties in America – death and taxes. You can add a third item to that list: that Democrats will forever be upset about the 2016 Election result. Such is the level of their angst that they have dedicated every ounce of political capital for the last four years towards reversing that result and ousting President Donald Trump from the White House.