
President Trump benefitting from his bout with COVID-19 [Video]

When we published yesterday the news that President Donald Trump and his wife Melania have contracted the novel coronavirus, some responses I saw were vile. I saw Twitter responses that were inappropriate to repeat around children (and decent adults, too!) and I saw snark in the other socials from supposed Orthodox Christians! no less, that basically wished for the President’s death under the virus.

Despite Trump’s Boast, Insulin in America Among the Most Expensive Liquids on Earth

One of Trump’s more questionable claims he made at the now infamous first presidential debate was that he was driving down medical costs for ordinary Americans. Under his presidency, the 74-year-old New Yorker claimed, diabetes medicine insulin had gone from so expensive that it was “destroying families” to “so cheap it’s like water.” “This is big stuff,” he added.

BREAKING. Trump Exhibiting “Mild” COVID-19 Symptoms (Live)

Via Zerohedge (…
President Trump has just become the latest in a growing list of world leaders to havae contracted SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Trump broke the news that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive via Twitter early Friday morning hours after Bloomberg reported that Hope Hicks, one of the president’s closest aides, had tested positive, and was symptomatic.

October Surprise: #TrumpCovid & Election Violence - FF Ep94

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
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