Trump witch hunt

Putin crushes Deep State Democrats in first comments after Mueller report (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris breakdown Russian President Vladimir Putin’s first remarks on U.S. AG Barr’s summary and the end of the Mueller investigation, which found no collusion between Trump and Russia.
Putin noted that the Robert Mueller investigation was aimed at home consumption and revealed a crisis in the US political system. The Russian President called the entire two year probe “a dark chapter in American history” and “no one wants to see it come back.”

Trump witch hunt dots connected: CNN to Steele to John McCain (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss documents released which show that Christopher Steele admitted to using posts by ‘random individuals’ on the CNN community website ‘iReport’ in order to back up his fabricated Trump dossier.
President Trump took note of Steele’s use of CNN citizen journalist posts, in a twitter tirade that blasted the British ex-spy for running with unverified community generated content from a now now-defunct ‘iReports’ website as part of his research.