Trump University

Trump Will Pay $25 Million To Avoid A Trump University Fraud Trial

On the Morning Joe video from early March above, Trump said he wouldn't settle the Trump University lawsuit "because it's an easy case to win in court... How do you lose a case where people suing you have signed letters and affidavits saying that the school is terrific?... We have a 98% approval rating? How do you settle a case like that?... I could have settled the case a number of times. I could settle the case now if I wanted to settle the case. I don't settle cases... You know what happens? When you settle cases, everbody sues you.

Civil Lawsuits Could Pursue Trump, Like They Pursued Clinton, for the Rest of His Time in Office

Donald Trump, not yet president-elect, ironically seated with Paula Jones (right), the woman who established the right of a citizen to sue a sitting presidentby Gaius PubliusIn an unusually ironic twist, the Paula Jones lawsuit against a sitting president, Bill Clinton, has set a precedent for four years of lawsuits against another sitting president, Donald Trump. With a caveat.Story first, then the caveat.

Let's Make Sure The Future Of American Education Is NOT Trump University

Last week you may have caught Señor Trumpanzee's telepromter speech in Cleveland on education. You could tell it was read from a teleprompter because he sounded like he was on Ambien and because he didn't say he would model the American education system on Trump University. Instead he pushed the charter school industry's privatization agenda.

Have You Noticed Trump Is A Fraud As A Businessman Too?

Early Thursday morning Trump was tweeting. "Crooked Hillary Clinton will be a disaster on jobs, the economy, trade, healthcare, the military, guns and just about all else. Obama plus!" Something tells me he's just stoking the lizard-brains of the Trumpist base, not seriously thinking he can win over any new converts to his cause.

Trump Knows What He Knows-- Orders His Pathetic Surrogates To Suspend All Thinking 'Til November

Were you laughing when Trump whined it was inappropriate for surrogate and Adelson-nominee for Trumpish running-mate Newt Gingrich to defend Judge Gonzalo Curiel against Trump's bizarre racist onslaught? The Newtster responded by suggesting Trump might ride into the GOP convention on an elephant but later reversed himself entirely and said, "Trump's complaints about the judge... are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized justice." Huh? How did that happen?Well...

With His Experience As A University Founder, Would Trump Be America's Education President?

Wonder when more voters will start seeing Trump as the con man he is? If the widely mistrusted and disliked Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party nominee, her only shot to win is if enough voters are more repulsed by Trump than by her. We've been covering the slow-boiling Trump University scandal for several years-- long before he came down the escalator to announce he is running for president by branding Mexican immigrants rapists.