Trump Supporters

Who Supports Trump-- Let's Look At The Social Psychological Perspectives On These Poor Souls

It's very politically incorrect so no one ever wants to talk about the likelihood that most Trump supporters have subnormal IQs and are incapable of abstract thought. What good would it do anyway? Let's take a look, however at a study in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology by UC Santa Cruz psychology professor Tom Pettigrew.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahDownWithTyranny is proud to publish this exclusive photo of the Congressional Republican Choir as they performed at the 2019 Republican National Committee Christmas Party held on the south lawn of the White House this past weekend. They were joined by President Donald Trump (4th from left, front). Stephen Miller conducted. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity (also pictured in the front row) MC'd the festivities.

Eric Ciamarella’s attorney described coup d’etat a.k.a the Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry

Fox News just ran a piece noting that the attorney representing the “Ukraine whistleblower” (alleged to be a CIA agent by the name of Eric Ciamarella) is on record for tweeting in 2017 that the “coup has begun”, two years before its realization unfolded in the Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry which has been dominating much of the news cycle for all American media outlets. What we see now is this coup in progress. Fox reports:

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahIn precipitating the freeing of ISIS prisoners and their families, President Trump has given the entire world as clear of a picture into his utterly insane mind as he ever has. I've always said that Trump is clearly the president who hates all living things. At no time has this been more evident. Trump is a psychopathic death worshiper. That is a fact that way too many people continue and continue to tiptoe around.