
Covid, the Constitution, Trump-Russia Again and Epstein — Four Stories Unhinging Our World

Donald Trump announcing executive orders to provide Covid economic reliefby Thomas NeuburgerThere's so much going on right now that it's hard to focus in just one place. At least four stories are simultaneously shaking our world. Covid is taking us all down the garden path, us Americans of course, thanks to our failed-state government, a government that simply cannot govern, at least with respect to the virus.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOne of these is not like the other but it's so fitting and telling that Trump would love Moscow but hate all of these great American cities. To Trump, any place with a large population of black people always seems to be a "shithole" in his shithole of a mind. He's such a miserable jackass here in America that the obvious thing for him to do is pack up and leave.

How Much Will The Trump-Putin Arms Race Cost American (And Russian) Taxpayers?

I've never been a fan of Hillary Clinton's-- never. At least her husband's neo-liberal agenda was couched in a pleasant personality. Each time I've met her was-- literally-- disgusting. I was stuck with a monster. Once her whole retinue-- one by one-- abandoned her backstage before a speech and I was the only left to deal with her and it was excruciating. Once at a White House state banquet she was like the big downer in the otherwise festive event, bad vibing everyone.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahImpeachment is just a compromise position now. More drastic measures are called for. Impeachment is, in fact, now just an unsatisfactory compromise, as if it was ever really on the table anyway. What we should now be doing if we, as a society had any brains at all, (which, sadly, we do not) is not have any meetings in the White House to end the Trump shutdown. Those two words are in the wrong order.

The Great Negotiator, Fresh From His Catastrophic North Korea Tomfoolery, Is About To Uproot 7 Decades Of U.S. Policy In Europe

Estonia is a tiny little country on the Baltic Sea. It covers 17,462 square miles, slightly larger than Massachusetts-- about the size of New Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware combined. The population is 1,319,133, about the same as Maine. It's a digitally advanced country with universal healthcare, very high education levels and, for that matter, free education.

What To Do About Facebook — First Thoughts

If a billion-user, private, hugely profitable company were truly this powerful, what should be done about it?by Gaius PubliusThe revelations about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica have come and gone quickly, like a fiery auto crash into a ten-foot wall, the remains of which nevertheless disappear overnight — in this case replaced by the next Trump scandal to hit the news.