Trump Presidential Library

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe Trump "Presidential" "Library" won't have any books other than The Art Of The Deal and a special series of bound volumes of fake Time Magazine covers but I bet the very gender specific rest rooms will have toilets like the one shown above.As you enter the "Presidential" "Library," you will enter a large room, the kind that would normally be called a "great hall." In this case however, it will be called "The Tremendously Bi

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIn a far, far better, more righteous world than the one we live in right now; a world where all of the politicians in both houses of Congress see it as their job to stand up for the Constitution and defend it, the scene in tonight's meme would already be reality. Not only that but all of Trump's family, staff and cabinet would be there with him for the rest of their lives.