Trump family

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe idiot wind blows strong with Tiffany Trump. She is the least known of the Donald Trump Demon Spawn. In fact, until this year's Republican Con-Vention, some of us thought maybe she was some sort of aberration in the Trump family. You know, like maybe she was some kind of maybe semi- decent, at least relatively normal person, perhaps flawed like all of us, but not an evil mess like all the rest of Trump's fetid offspring.

The Trump Family-- What An Ugly Mess!

Even Eric Trump will be speaking at the Republican convention-- the whole Trump family-- but not Barron... and not his sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry. Definitely not his sister. Washington Post reporter Michael Kranish explained why over the weekend: secretly recorded tapes. Yes, another glimpse into the dysfunctional sociopath in the Oval Office.

Rushin’ To Destruction-2019 In Review, Part 7-- It’s The BeBesters! America’s #1 Most Hideous Family!

-by NoahYep. Oranges don’t fall far from the tree. In this case, the tree is a giant round-ish, blubbery mutant orange tree with a vagina neck and orange science-defying flab-padded branches to match its obese cellulite farm legs that are rooted in some long ago god-forsaken hell-hole of a shithole land some call Mar-a-Lago and some just call Florida.

The Trump Dynasty Will Be Just Like The 1,000 Year Reich

I'm totally enjoying season 2 of HBO hit, Succession, the Jesse Armstrong series created around the Roy family, sho some fans say is loosely based on the Murdoch family and others argue is loosely based on the Trump family-- but really combines both. The video up top was the first season's trailer and the one below is the second season trailer:Yesterday's McKay Coppins feature for the Atlantic, The Heir, will give a big boost to the Successor fans who swear the Roys and based on the Trumps.

Is It Really Surprising To Anyone That Trump And Family Engaged In Outright Fraud For Decades?

After today's blockbuster investigative report on Trump's life of crime by the not-so-failing NY Times, CNBC reported that the New York state tax department is investigating the shocking revelations that are being read around the world.The Pulitzer-bait report from David Barstow, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner has been described as "exhaustive" and "thoroug

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAn open letter to Melania:Dear Melania,We've been going over various statistics relating to your husband's failure of a life and failure of a career (if one can call it that). After this examination, it appears that you are, to use, a precise, scientific term, slacking off. You have not, yet, reached the standards of your set by your husband's other business ventures.