Trump economy

When Will The Hollow Trump Economy Crash?

Yesterday, Rachel Feintzeig reported for the Wall Street Journal that the Republican tax scam has specifically helped executives afford even fancier airplanes. "The recent changes to the tax code," she wrote, "are giving business executives a new perk: the opportunity to deduct the entirety of a corporate-jet purchase. A 100% tax write off was one of the GOP changes to the tax code. Maybe something will trickle down.

The Trump Economy On Labor Day, 2018

It was a VERY different GOP in 1956Yesterday, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka was on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, a show Señor Trumpanzee watches. Trumka pointed out that Trump has "used his office to actively hurt working people [and] to date, the things that the Trump and his anti-worker regime have "done to hurt workers outpace what he’s done to help workers...

Larry Kudlow-- De Minimis

Perhaps you weren't born in 1994-- or maybe not reading the NY Times yet. So... in light of Larry Kudlow popping his head of of his West Wing hole today, let's take a ride back in the long-time-ago-time-machine. Sylvia Nasar and Alison Cowan-- hey Alison!-- began their feature by noting that "Kudlow seemed a master of the universe. Being a top Wall Street economist was not the half of it. Mr. Kudlow had been a prominent member of President Reagan's economic team.

The Bane Of Trump's Existence: Fact Checks, Especially On His Economic Claims

It's hardly news any longer that Trump lies his ass off every time he opens his pie hole. Everyone-- really, everyone-- knows Trump is a liar. The only difference between us and them is that we object and they don't care. I don't know who that tweet up top was supposed to impress. Maybe the unhinged orange orangutan himself.