Trump economy

Trump In The White House Absolutely Predicts A Recession-- The Question Is Just How Soon

The Obama administration worked hard to turn the economy around after Trump inherited an economy that would have been a dream for any president. He immediately set out to sabotage it and, unfortunately, his policies are finally kicking in strongly enough to wreck everything that Obama did to right the economy Bush left him-- and us. But before we get into Trump's disastrous policies, one little note: his utter and complete lack of leadership abilities are working hand in hand with bad policy to bring down the economy.

Remember How The Republicans Promised Strong Growth In Return For De-Regulation And Their Tax Cuts For The Rich? That Was All Bullshit

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce-- failureWednesday we asked candidates what issues voters wanted to talk about out in the hustings. None them mention Putin-Gate and not even Trump was topping anyone's list. They wanted to discuss bread-and-butter issues that impact them and their families.

U.S. economy soars. Will it hold on for Trump’s 2020 reelection bid?

U.S. President Donald Trump will enjoy the backdrop of a strong economy as he delivers his second State of the Union address.
The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss a Trump economy where Americans working has reached a five-year high, as manufacturing, factory output continues to rise despite naysayer predictions.
The question ahead for the Trump White House, all the way up to 2020, is whether the economic surge is sustainable.

Trumponomics Is Killing The Economy Everywhere-- But Hitting Rural America Hardest Of All

The thriving economy Trump inherited from Obama was on autopilot. All he had ti do was not mess it up. The post-Bush recession Obama fixed and the economy he put in place kept chugging along for 2 years despite the trickledown ideology Team Trump started installing from day one. Too late to do anything to save it now. The trade war was meant to feel relatively painless 'til after the midterms. Mission accomplished.

Trump Crashes The Stock Market-- Next Comes The Economy

Have you known many people like Trump? Hustlers and grifters like him are a dime a dozen in New York. I once worked for one who was a firm believer that if you went around hissing your poison in enough peoples' ears, you would create a new reality of your own. Trump tried it Tuesday with his China trade-war bullshit (above)-- but all he created was the 4th biggest stock market collapse in U.S.

If We're LUCKY, Trump's Economy Will End In Recession, Not Something Worse

Former California Congressman David Dreier (R) could've been a contender. Except for the homophobia. Closet case Denny Hastert, then GOP speaker, named him Majority Leader for half an hour, but when the House Republican leaders started melting down over the "gay thing," Hastert relented and gave it to a perpetually tanned alcoholic instead. Poor Dreier; he worked so hard before bumping into a glass ceiling he never imagined would end his career.