Trump Derangement Syndrome

Whoopi Goldberg from The View Had a Meltdown when She Was Accused of Having ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’

Judge Pirro said that she was kicked off of the show and out of the building.  Whoopi blamed Donald Trump for the hatred that is dividing the country, while ignoring the media that is complicit in fanning the flames of discord, instead of pursuing understanding and tolerance. [...]

Anti – ICE rhetoric turns violent as US Independence day arrives

The relative civility surrounding the activism concerning the fate of illegal immigrant families has been destroyed. According to several published news reports, the protests have turned violent.
The Daily Caller reported on 3 July that vandals threw a brick through the window of the Nebraska Republican Party Headquarters in Lincoln on the night of July 2:

TV Poll: 71% of Liberals Don’t Want Peace with North Korea because Trump Would Take Credit

A live TV poll taken on Michelle Wolf's Netflix show found that 71% of the comedienne's leftist audience would prefer conflict and potential nuclear war with North Korea instead of peace, with credit going to President Trump. The results show that the hatred that has been stoked against Trump is so deep that leftists are willing to sacrifice our lives and our country in order to be right. [...]