Trump campaign

Asking foolish questions about serious issues

By Richard Falk
When the Clinton campaign started bitching about Russia interfering in US elections by hacking into the DNC I was struck by their excesses of outrage and the virtual absence of any acknowledgement that the United States has been interfering in dozens of foreign elections for decades with no apparent second thoughts.

Trump wiretap is the REAL scandal of the US election, bogus Russia story is the real cover-up

Back on 10th October 2016, shortly after the US intelligence community published its first claim that Russia was trying to interfere in the US election, I wrote an article for The Duran in which I pointed out that the true story was that for the first time in its history the US intelligence community was interfering in a US election in order to swing the election behind its favoured candidate – Hillary Clinton – and that the practices the US intelligence communit

Priebus: US intelligence community ‘finds no links’ between Trump campaign and Russia

Days after The New York Times published a sensational report claiming multiple contacts between Trump’s associates and members of his campaign team and Russian officials – including Russian intelligence officials – Reince Priebus, President Trump’s Chief of Staff, has been touring the television studios to say