Trump and the media

The First Lawsuit Against Fox For Misleading The Public On COVID-19 Has Been Filed In Seattle

Early into the pandemic-- with Trump endangering peoples' lives daily with his lies and misinformation-- I asked a few of the legal scholars I know if he could be sued by the the families of people who followed his false information and died. The answer was the same from each: nope. Fox News, on the other hand, is another story.There has been a great deal of chatter online about class action law suits against Fox for broadcasting a steady stream of coronavirus misinformation-- and not all of it from Trump.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, it's Friday and our festering orange boil of a president will be jetting down to Mar-a-Lago to cheat at some golf games at our expense. If there are any bloated dead brown bodies in the water hazards on his golf course, they just might be some of his own undocumented employees but I doubt it. Trump would have stocked his water hazards with gators to take care of any such "problems." He'd even watch and laugh.

Let’s All Send This Simple Poll Back To Trump! It’s The Patriotic Thing To Do!

-by NoahFilling out this official Republican Party poll will only take 3 minutes of your time and you will have the satisfaction of having thrown a little jab at a Republican today. Just think of whatever goon in the White House who gets the results and has to share them with the new communications director or whomever.The poll came in my email today.

With So Many Low-Info American Voters, Did Trump Even Need Putin's Help To Win?

In his column yesterday, Paul Krugman wrote that not only is Trump "the least qualified individual, temperamentally or intellectually, ever installed in the White House," but that "the broader Republican quagmire-- the party’s failure so far to make significant progress toward any of its policy promises-- isn’t just about Mr.

Journalists' Unique Role In Resisting The Fascist Take-Over

Team Trump is going around the world telling people to ignore what Trump himself says. When the cameras are rolling, the Trumpists are just delivering an alternative message-- the opposite of what Trump says on a wide range of topics. When the cameras aren't rolling, they've been letting European leaders know that what Trump says for domestic consumption is just to placate or arouse his feeble-minded and drugged up fans and that most of it isn't related to actual American policy goals.

Trump's Constant Lying Is a Power Game Called "Fuckery," and He's Winning At It

Amy Winehouse, live, 2010by Gaius PubliusYes, Virginia, that man said "fuckery." It's a lovely word with a lovely place in hip-hop culture. And it's exactly the word we need to understand Trump's (and really, all Republicans') outrageous lies and shenanigans, and also how to deal with them effectively. Bottom line: Donald Trump isn't just lying, he's "fucking with us" and challenging us to call him on it. This is exactly the "Who do you believe, me or your lying eyes?" problem.