Trey Radel

Cornelius McGillicuddy IV Eyes His Old Ft. Myers House Seat; Stumbles Over Puerto Rico

Best dressed Connie and MaryThis is a post about what's been happening politically in FL-19, one of the 3 or 4 Florida congressional districts being most savagely impacted by global warming. The hurricane-ravaged district, where salt water is seeping into the groundwater as the Gulf rises, starts down south around Turtle Island, works its way up through Naples, past Bonita Bay to Fort Myers and Cape Coral.

Right Wing Crack Addicts Trey Radel And Rob Ford Believe They're Above The Law

Right wing slobs Rob Ford and Trey RadelManmohan Singh has been Prime Minister of India for a decade. This morning, he announced he would not run again in order to make way for young blood. I understand the feeling and it was certainly the way I felt when I decided to leave Warner Bros. The only way for people to move up is for people at the top to move on.

Is Trey Radel Really America's Own Rob Ford?

By 39, most normal people stop using recreational drugsBoth are wealthy, opportunistic right-wing extremists who gravitated to politics for a myriad of reasons that did not include public service. And although the demeanor and boorish, loud-mouthed bullying that Rob Ford (and brother Doug) demonstrate on TV daily, reminds people more of Chris Christie, it looks like Trey Radel is what we're stuck with.