
Land Governance: Present

The second video in the “Land Governance” series highlights the current crisis in land management in Canada, which has sparked, among other initiatives, the Indigenous-led Land Back movement. It explores what happens when two systems of law and governance come head-to-head, on land, and about land, highlighting the move toward activism and the need for […]
The post Land Governance: Present first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Land Governance: Past

The first video in the “Land Governance” series examines the historical context of Indigenous Peoples’ dispossession from the lands that sustain them within Canada, and identifies the legal and policy landscape that created the conditions for today’s environmental and social crises. It explores the need to build on the rights and responsibilities of Indigenous Peoples, […]
The post Land Governance: Past first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Trump Administration Moves to Undermine Centuries-Old Native American Treaties

The Donald Trump administration has proposed a major change to Native American health program, by dismissing their sovereignty and classifying them as a race, under which the Indigenous communities will be included in Medicaid work rules, a move which could further marginalize them and pose a serious threat to their health access.